Thursday, July 30, 2009

Something weird!

Just lately I have been receiving voice messages to my cell phone. Well, it seems silly to call it a message when the words/noises make no sense at all. I have had 3 calls in the past 2 weeks. Each time I look at the number and think.........."I know that number, whose number is that?" I have tried to call the number but can't get through. After the last message arrived last week I went through my entire address book looking for the number, and couldn't find it. But still it bugged me.

Anyway, I forgot about it and got on with life. Yesterday was my first physical therapy appointment to get my knee back to rights, and of course I arrived early to deal with the obligatory paperwork. Now I have been to this office before, so they pulled all my notes from previous visits and asked me to check and update them. And there it was in front of me, the phone number that has been used to call my cell! And do you know why it was SO familiar to me?? It was my office number! Before the twins were born I worked at HP down on Rockrimmon, and that was my office number! But I was laid off from there, didn't get to go back after maternity leave, except to clear my desk out. So I assumed one of my colleagues was sitting at my old desk trying to call me.

But here's the weird part! The entire section I worked in, is now closed completely. HP consolidated their staff, downsized dramatically and now use only a small part of the building. My area is completely sealed off. And here's the other weird thing............the cell phone I have now is not the one I had then! So how did my old office phone call my new cell phone, when the office is closed and no-one else there has my new cell phone number???

Cue the spooky music!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The funny things they say! 2

Oliver still has an occasional accident and wets the bed.

One day, after just such an occasion I was in our bedroom changing the sheets on our bed. Oliver came in and watched me for a moment and then asked "What are you doing?" I told him I was changing the sheets (like he hasn't seen me do that before!) He asked me why and I told him they needed washing. There was a short silence and then Oliver asked "Who wet the bed, you or Daddy?"

My boys crack me up!!

The funny things they say!

After my knee surgery I was lying on the bed with my knee covered in bandages and Jamie stood next to the bed, about eye level with my knee.

He stood there very quietly for a while and looked at my knee then up at me and asked me "Can you walk mummy?" I replied "No I can't".

Small silence, then Jamie asked "Can you run mummy?" I replied "No I can't"

A longer silence while Jamie looked at me and then at my leg, then back at me when he stated "Then you can't chase me can you?" At which point he left the room with a huge smirk on his face!!

Knees, crutches and wheelchairs!

I am getting old, it's a pain in the bum, but it's a fact of life! I have been hobbling up and down the stairs lately because the pain in my knees has been escalating. I knew we should have bought a ranch (that's a bungalow to all my UK friends). The stairs are killing me! One night when I was bending down to kiss Oliver goodnight I felt something 'go' in my knee. Not sure where it went, but after that it hurt like hell and I really couldn't bend it and put weight on it at the same time. Watching me trying to go up and down the stairs without bending my legs is pretty comical!

I ended up visiting an orthopedist, a really nice guy called Dr. Stockelman. He sent me off for x-rays - normal - and an MRI - also normal, although it did show a small hole underneath the patella and a fissure at the back of my knee, all caused by osteoarthritis and my auto immune disease. He recommended an arthroscopy to clean out the knee and help my pain along. That was Wednesday, the following Tuesday I was in surgery! It happened so fast I barely had time to think about it.

Dr. Stockelman initially told me I would be on crutches for 6 weeks! I was stunned, and talked to his nurse later, who suggested I had misheard him as it was normal to be on crutches for two weeks at the most after an arthroscopy. I was much relieved! We rented some crutches from King Soopers - how strange to get something like that from the grocery store - and all was fine. My knee hurt A LOT! I could barely walk the first couple of days and found that using crutches was actually very difficult and painful! Anyway, I struggled along, hobbled around the house and waited for the swelling to go down and my stitches to come out. Two weeks after surgery I went back for my post op appointment. I wrote on my Facebook page that I was thrilled to be going to get my stitches out, that I would be running around the place like crazy and couldn't wait to lose the crutches! Silly me!

Confidently leaving my crutches in the car with Chuck and the boys I sauntered into the office to see my doctor. Almost the first words out of his mouth were "Where are your crutches?" I told him they were in the car, at which point he called the nurse to come with a wheelchair for me. I was forbidden to walk at all! He asked if I could remember talking to him after my surgery - and I couldn't - because if I had I might have recalled I didn't have just an arthroscopy. I also had something called a Pick Chondroplasty, which involved punching dozens of small holes into the bone to allow blood and bone marrow to ooze through and coat the knee in an attempt to provide a protective covering where the cartilage has been lost. He told me he often makes patients stay off their feet for 3 months and I should consider myself lucky that I was only 'sentenced' to 6 weeks!

He gave me a prescription for a wheelchair. I didn't think I needed it, but at home I couldn't even fetch myself a drink and take it back to my seat, crutches are not helpful at all in that way. We collected the wheelchair today, and while I feel kind of a fraud for using it, it certainly makes life easier - as long as I can get the boys to keep their things off the floor! Chuck has to go back to work next week, and I return to the doctor on August 27, when I hope to be able to dispose of both the crutches and the wheelchair. But this time......I won't be anticipating anything on my Facebook page before my appointment!