Saturday, September 19, 2009

A record setting day??

I was out last night, playing bunco with my friends and neighbors, and while I was home a little after 10 and didn't drink anything stronger than lemonade, I was so very tired this morning. One thing I have found since being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease is how my energy is very quickly spent, I have to clean the house in short spurts, and tackle just a few chores each day. But this morning I struggled to get out of bed and the boys were full of beans and jumping all over me demanding I wake up! How can I resist those sweet little voices?

I wondered how my day was going to pan out, often when I am extra tired the boys pick up on it and create mayhem and madness in the house and I have neither the energy or the patience to deal with them. Right now it's coming up to 2.30pm and the day so far has been calm, quiet and incredibly easy. My boys are currently 'into' Play Doh, so much so that this is the 3rd day in a row that they have played with it, and today they are setting records!

They got the Play Doh out of the cupboard at 9.30am this morning, and they are still playing with it! That's 5 hours and they are showing no sign of stopping! They have all their action figures out and have made boats and space ships for them. The Power Rangers 'guys' - as my two love to call them - have been wrapped up in clay with just their heads out, they have fashioned chains to go around their legs and waists and have dive bombed each other's toys with Play Doh rockets.

They have made pizzas and birthday cakes, candles, cookies and ice cream in cones, and "wriggly worms that don't wriggle!" So far, and perhaps I should touch wood here, there hasn't been a single cross word, not a single fight and the day has been incredibly restful for me.

I think I need to look at buying Plasticine for them though - it's what I used to play with way back when and long before Play Doh was invented - and it always remains soft and pliable. The only problem with my boys playing with their Play Doh this long is that most of it is getting hard and unmanageable, but I am not complaining! I will willingly buy them new pots in return for this wonderful, relaxing day!

It's a new record for Play Doh! The boys started at 9.30am this morning and we just cleaned it all away at 5.35pm! 8 complete hours of creativity, no arguments, no fighting or squabbles! I had a lovely, restful day and the boys are my little stars!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Perhaps I am tired to day, because all these silly thoughts keep cropping up:

Why is it that when I have an appointment, and leave early for it, all the lights are green and I arrive at my destination too soon? And of course, when I am running a little late for something all the lights are against me!

Why does the phone ring when I am hauling grocery bags, trying to get my key in the door and the dog is barking like an insane creature?

Why can't men multi-task yet they can fight evil demons and gain extra bonuses at the same time in a video game?

Why does one small glass of spilled milk cover an area with the square footage of Texas?

Why does clean hair squeak when it's wet?

Why can't men see dust?

Why do weeds thrive without water, while my plants look all limp and weary?

Why do my twins insist that spaghetti is not pasta?

Why can't men see that the toilet needs cleaning? They stand up and look at it countless times a day!

Why is it that when you can't sleep and are up all night, your children never stir, but when you are fast asleep they are standing by the side of the bed whispering "Mummy! Mummy, wake up!"

Why can't men take 5 minute showers?

Who decided that green should be called green? Or blue should be called blue?

Why does everyone say freeway, runway and highway, but not railway?

Watch out for my new American/English dictionary...............coming soon!!