Oliver is a great talker, despite the fact that some of my friends rarely hear him. When we are out in the car, I get a running commentary from both boys on the things they see, the shapes in the clouds and anything else that takes their fancy.
Driving back home through Palmer Lake last week we passed the preschool. The boys were excited to spot it and Jamie asked was it Kindergarten, at which point Oliver piped up and said "No, it's a graveyard school".
A graveyard school?? What?? I must have misheard. So I asked Oliver to say it again and he said "It's a graveyard school!" I started laughing although I was totally puzzled over what he meant and where the phrase had come from.
Oliver was getting cross at me because I was laughing, so I made a supreme effort, stopped giggling and asked him where he had heard that term before. "From Kylie! Her mummy says Kylie goes to graveyard school now!!"
The penny dropped, Oliver meant 'grade school'! I have absolutely no idea where he got the word graveyard from, but his take on things has put grade school into a whole new perspective for me!