I have been patiently waiting for the results of my lumbar puncture to come back. In the meantime I bought some books on Multiple Sclerosis so I could be a little more informed about the disease as well as the medications used to treat it. It's somewhat daunting, because I never expected to have a chronic illness like MS. It's a new 'normal' I have to get used to.
My biggest problem now is the total, absolute fatigue. I awake as tired as I was when I went to bed, and every day is the same. Sometimes I wonder how much longer I can continue like this. I look at my face in the mirror and think the tiredness and joint aches and pains are taking a toll on me. I think I am looking older, and more tired than I ever have! Of course I AM older and more tired than I have ever been - but that's completely beside the point.
My next scheduled appointment with the neurologist's office was late September and I was scheduled to see the PA. But on Tuesday the office called me to tell me that appointment had been canceled, Dr. Adams had created a space for me in his calendar and I was to go in and see him at 11.30am on September 15. So I am guessing all the results are back and they are as he expected.................positive for MS. I know it was something he prepared me for, and something I expected, but it was still hard to hear!
I am half expecting to come away from that next appointment with an IV as he had indicated he may start me out on 3 or 4 days of IV steroids. It's all going to be so much fun! (Do you detect a hint of sarcasm in there?)
So, less than two weeks to this most important appointment. I wish it was sooner because if I do have MS, as suspected, I want to get started on the right medications so that I can start feeling better again!