I just checked out my blog and I haven't posted since February! I can hardly believe that, and yet a small part of me can. There have been a few times when I thought I should add a post, but I was too busy, too tired, about to go out, had to work, had to do nothing......that kind of thing!!
So now it's Memorial weekend, the unoffical start to summer and it's windy as hell here and a little chilly at times too. Despite that I just got back from a fantastic afternoon at my friend Racquel's house. She had family and friends (that would be me) over for a barbecue and I discovered her husband Chris is THE best cook ever. He should own a restaurant, he really should. The food, ribs, chicken, grilled pineapple, sweetcorn and more were absolutely delicious. I tried to leave the house with the leftover ribs but got stopped on the way!!
And even better than the food was that the boys just disappeared with Racquel's kids for the afternoon and I was able to relax and talk and laugh and had so much fun!
The boys finished first grade on Friday so are now off school for the entire summer. Right now I am not sure what I am going to do with them for all those weeks, I have some projects planned, some playdates planned and just have to hope we all get through it unscathed!! They are 7 now, love to test us both, love to argue as they know EVERYTHING of course but I love them to bits and it does my heart good when they want to sit on my knee and cuddle because I know that's not going to last for much longer.
I finished working at the school at the end of February, but very quickly a friend offered me a part time job working from home doing some accounting for her. I love it! I make my own hours and it fits in really well with school, vacations, holidays, appointments and sick kids. Plus the extra money does mean I have the ability to buy some yarn now and again (more now than again) as knitting still features big in my life. In fact I have discovered that if I am not knitting something, I am a little bored and fidgety!!