In the past three years I have filed for bankruptcy, lost my home, moved to a rental, experienced the death of my father, filed for legal separation from my husband and moved home again!
It has been very hard, but despite that I am feeling very optimistic about the coming year. I have many really, really good friends who support me and help me and for some strange reason - feed me. God knows I don't need fattening up, but it's such a nice and kind gesture that I am very grateful for.
On top of everything else, I turned 60 this past September and I have to be honest and admit I do not like getting older. And sixty seems SO old. But to help me through it my friends and I took a trip to Santa Fe to celebrate. We had a fantastic time, 6 of us in one enormous room, we laughed, shared secrets, shopped, dined out and generally enjoyed ourselves. So much so that we plan another trip again soon, somewhere closer to home where we won't spend quite so much money, but still have a wonderful time. I cannot wait!

So I have high hopes for the new year. The turmoil, worry and doubt of the past couple of years should be safely behind me now and I am looking forward to some good times with my friends and family.