Just about everything you read, while pregnant and after delivery tells you of the joys of motherhood, the wonder of watching your child grow, learn and discover the world around him. But few books - or mums - talk about the sheer hard work, the loneliness of being a stay at home mother, the isolation and lack of adult conversation.
I am feeling very grumpy today, and although it's only just afternoon, it's already been a very long day. Last night I went to a wine tasting party at a friend's house. It was a lovely evening, and I really enjoyed myself. I found one wine I very much liked and had to order at least one bottle; then headed home quite happy with myself. But when I got in, which was about 9.30pm, Chuck informed me that Jamie was still awake and being a problem. He wouldn't go to sleep, said he wasn't tired and seemed to delight in making life difficult for his daddy. Oliver had fallen asleep about 15 minutes earlier, so I knew that today would be difficult as the twins would be so tired and stressed as their normal bedtime is generally 8.00pm. Within 15 minutes of being home, I got Jamie to sleep, basically by threatening him with death or worse, so he snuggled down under his blanket and was asleep within minutes. But this morning they are both unbearable! By 9.30am Oliver had had a time out in his room, during which he kicked the hell out of the bedroom door, kicked the closet door off the sliding rail and screamed non stop. He has already 'lost' his television time and his library books, no fun and games today for any of us!
I took them out a little while ago. We went to the library to select some books and then to King Soopers for a few groceries and since we got back, Jamie has taken over where Oliver left off. He screamed and cried for 20 minutes because I took Oliver out of the car before him (it was Oliver's turn to be first), he screamed and cried because I didn't carry him into the house (I was carrying groceries) and then screamed and cried because I wouldn't give him chocolate cereal for his lunch. He is presently in his room, kicking and screaming and I am SO tired of it all.
I have tried everything, quiet time, time out, loss of privileges, Love and Logic and even a smack now and then, which doesn't work AT ALL and I am resolved not to do anymore. When one twin stops screaming and crying, the other one starts. And if they are not fighting me, they are fighting each other. Raising two boys is SO hard, no-one tells you any of that, and day upon day it is so wearing and exhausting. Since the boys started preschool things seem to have gotten worse and I have my own theory on that. They are very good in school, polite and pleasant, they have been nicknamed 'The Sweeties' they are so nice, but I feel all that goodness is wearing them down. I think that after they have spent 3 hours being on their best behavior they have to let it all out, and every afternoon my time is spent resolving fights and arguments, trying to get them to do what I need, trying to get them to eat something sensible for lunch and just simply trying to get through the day until my husband gets home to relieve me of it all! It's hateful right now, I thought the terrible two's were bad, along with all the menopause symptoms I was suffering, but this is even worse.
I may need to call Supernanny! I feel I am losing the battle to help my children become nice, kind, thoughtful and generous children. Right now they appear to be monsters, they give me cheek, answer me back and scream at the top of their lungs if I should even say "I will think about that" let alone the dreaded "No!" I have read so many articles on dealing with tantrums, and listened to the wisdom of so many friends, but I feel lost in the moment right now, in the whirlpool that my life is becoming while trying to deal with two very strong willed children. I am sure that we will all come through this unscathed and wiser and stronger, but it's hard to see that moment right now.
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