Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm going home!

Of course, seeing as I am a US Citizen, technically this is my home, but the UK is where I was born and has all the things I love, not least my family and friends. Chuck and I booked our flights on Monday and now it seems real! I am very excited to see everyone and introduce them all to my twins, I can hardly wait. But before we take off I have a lot of work to do. We haven't flown since early in 2001 and of course everything changed after 9/11 and now there are so many rules and regulations to take in. I have to go out and buy plastic bottles to put liquids in, can't pack my saw or axe, damn! and need to carefully measure the size of our suitcases to ensure they are not too big! As we have to remove our shoes at the security check point I need to make a note to myself to buy Chuck new socks, his are full of holes!

The boys are excited too, they have never flown and I don't think they completely understand about getting in a plane and flying to another country. It's a strange concept for them but I am telling them about watching a movie on the plane, having dinner and sleeping too, so they are looking forward to it. We have already started debating which cuddly toys they will take along in their back packs, although I am sure the choice will change many times over the next few weeks!

I have so many friends in addition to family who want to see us during our stay that my cousin Jackie and I are trying to arrange a mini family reunion, which will be wonderful. I will get to meet my cousin and her grown up boys, last time I saw them they were about 7 or 8 I think, and my aunt, my mum's sister, who I haven't seen for many, many years, so I am really looking forward to that. We are planning to do some travel in Cornwall, Chuck's ancestors the Wadge's are from that area, and I know my father-in-law would love it if I could find out more about the family for him. Plus I love Cornwall and it's been many years since I have been although I did work there for a while. Living in Colorado I miss seeing the sea, so this trip will give me that and more. We are also going to London to take the boys on the London Eye and a trip down the River Thames, which I think is about all of London two 4 year olds will be interested in!

I am also trying to lose some weight. I have gained around 20lbs from taking high doses of steroids to bring the symptoms of my Lupus under control and also from making some unwise food choices over the Christmas period! I am now calorie counting and exercising at least four times a week! BORING! Every Wednesday morning I go to my doctor's office to be weighed - as that's a great motivator for me - and last week, which was my first week, I lost 2 lbs. So this is do-able, I can get back into my jeans before my vacation! It just takes hard work! Which I am not too keen on!

But, perhaps all the preparations for the holiday, sorting out and washing clothes and reading the rules and regulations on the TSA website will take my mind off eating! Wouldn't that be nice?

1 comment:

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

See how resourceful I am? I found your blog! (from your FB info page)

The thing about travel is that all your liquids and gels have to be less than 3 oz and contained in a clear quart sized ziploc bag IF they are in your carry-on luggage. If you're checking a bag that shouldn't matter.

I've flown 3 times since last October and each time it was on a different airline. Some airlines make you pay for tv and movies. Some offer it free but make you pay for headphones. My advice is to bring your own can get cheap ones from the dollar store! Or if you have a laptop, bring that and your boys can watch a movie on the computer.

If I think of more, I'll let you know. I bet Cathy has some great tips since they just flew to Utah.