It's August and it's pouring down. It has been for years, well perhaps it's only days, but it seems longer when you are stuck in the house with two 3 year old boys!
We have had so much rain recently that our back garden, which doesn't yet have a lawn, has turned into the perfect spot for a bit of mud wrestling! Every time the boys go out, and they don't stay in the rain for long, they come back in soaked and muddy and covered in sand, which is what passes for soil in this part of the world! My wood floors need brushing constantly because of all the dirt that is tracked in. Bring back the sunshine - I don't want anymore rain!
My twins start pre-school next Tuesday, they will go 4 mornings a week, giving me a total of 12 hours of peace and quiet, I can hardly wait! We haven't been separated since the day they were born, and while I love them very much, I need some time away from them now. But instead of sitting at home enjoying the silence, I have taken a part time job. I will work out of the house for two mornings and from home two mornings. It's great to be looking forward to doing something other than clean, prepare snacks, referee fights, make drinks, referee fights, play games, referee fights.........
This morning we managed to do some work in the back garden, in between the rain showers and a trip to King Soopers! We are preparing the ground for a lawn which we plan to put in soon. I will be very pleased to get some of the soil covered over and for the garden to look the way I envisage (like something out of Better Home and Gardens) but am daunted by the amount of work it will take. In addition we are holding a yard sale this coming weekend, and my home office is covered in boys clothes, shoes and toys that we want to sell. Of course the twins keep finding long lost treasures they do not want to part with, so most of the toys that I plan to sell are stashed in the spare bathroom where they can't see them! They will be in school the first morning of the sale, so I have told Chuck to ensure all their toys are gone by the time they come home for lunch!!
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