Before I married, which was late in life, I lived on my own for about 20 years. I had a house in the UK and it backed to fields and farmland so was very quiet. Occasionally I would go to North Wales and stay with my sister and her family, three children, dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, hens and even a chinchilla or two. The level of noise was so high it was a shock when I would first arrive. The children were wonderful, so full of life and so active and I was exhausted just to watch them. And then I would go home, and the silence was so all consuming it was really hard to deal with, although now I have children of my own I sometimes think wistfully about that silence. But I wouldn't swap my solitary life for the one I have now, no matter how tough it may get or the ups and downs it presents me with. Having my sons was the best thing I ever did in my life, and I really hope that I can raise them to be the best that they can.
We were all so excited for this morning to come, Jamie even had a tantrum yesterday as he wanted to go to school, but they aren't going on a Monday. I tried to explain it to him but he was mad as hell and whined and cried for almost an hour. Oliver's main concern has been in regards to the school computer, he wants to use it, and as soon as he can. They both love using the computer, and I am amazed to see their little hands stretched across the mouse, maneuvering around the screen to play the matching games we select for them. As soon as we arrived at their preschool Jamie took off his hoodie and threw it on the floor! So much for my training! I brought him back to pick it up and showed both boys where their coat hooks are and told them to put their hoodies there. They were so delighted to see their names on the hooks! Oliver immediately asked his teacher where the computer was and another parent laughed to see how keen he was to use it. Although I didn't cry when I left them, I felt a little sad and immensely proud, because my boys are growing up. They are embracing what life has to offer them and I am proud of myself for having created this confidence in them. Maybe being a stay at home mum has it rewards, although sometimes it is hard to see that, but today I am proud of my achievements with them!
1 comment:
Thanks for the link. What a great way to keep up with you & the gang. Love the pictures!
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