Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two in one day!!

This has been running around my head for a while.........

.......we are many things to many people. We have many titles in life, not just our job titles. I have been trying to think of all the things I am and have been:

Wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, great aunt, cousin, friend, grand-daughter, niece, neighbor, customer, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, step-daughter, baby, toddler, child, teenager............

.........I am certain there are more, but I can't think of them right now!


It's been a long time since I posted.

Life has been chaotic since my dad died. Often we had a difficult relationship, and we lived so far away from each other, but I miss him. Didn't expect that at all. Not sure why, but I didn't. Because of all the strokes he had in the past his speech was minimal, so we didn't talk much, but it's different knowing he is not there anymore.

Chuck was ill while I was in the UK for my dad's funeral. He didn't cope too well I guess. I think juggling work, the kids and the house was too much for him. I kind of lost it when I got home, I expected him to have done better and to find the house in disarray was very upsetting for me. There is still a lot to be sorted out, but we are getting there. And while the house may not have been the way I would have wanted, the kids were well and fed!

I have resigned my job at the school. Two hours a day, I didn't think that would be a problem for me, but standing for that length of time is just too much. Especially playground duty in the cold and wind. I am back on steroids for my pain, my rheumatologist wants to start cortisone shots in my knees to enable me to manage stairs better and my vitamin D levels are so low I am taking 150,000 units a week for the next three months. I am not yet sure when my work replacement will be found, but right now I am looking forward to resting a little and getting to grips with the housework and all the other things that have been sadly neglected over the past few months.

But in between everything else, I am still knitting! And still find it relaxes and de-stresses me. I have finally finished my 'obligation' knits, so am free to knit what I want, although it's often hard to decide what that may be!